These are surveys of INAHTA members were conducted by the Secretariat or member agencies. INAHTA also has an internal discussion forum (INAHTA ListServ) where shorter questions are circulated for rapid response within the membership. The summaries of the ListServ questions are restricted to members only.

INAHTA Surveys on Involvement of Consumers in HTA


In 2010, a follow-up survey to the 2005 survey was undertaken.  The intention was to obtain information on whether member agencies had changed their approaches in involving consumers in HTA since the earlier survey. Click here for results.
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At the 2005 Annual Meeting it was agreed that it would be useful to survey INAHTA members to obtain information on what they do and what they avoid in involving patients in the HTA process. The term ‘consumers’ was taken to include patients, carers, long – term users of services, organizations representing consumers’ interests, and members of the public. A questionnaire was developed and sent to members by the INAHTA Secretariat in October 2005. Thirty seven members  responded to the survey and provided details using the questionnaire, a 90% response rate.
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The results of the 2005 survey were also published in the article "Survey on the involvement of consumers in health technology assessment programs" by David Hailey (AHFMR, Canada) and Margareta Nordwall (SBU, Sweden). It was published 2006 in the International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care.


An informal survey was conducted among INAHTA members to gather their experience with respect to consumer involvement in their activities. This document presents the results of the survey and proposes some orientations to advance research on consumer participation in HTA.
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INAHTA Survey on Handling of Ethical Issues

In February 2003, the INAHTA Secretariat surveyed the INAHTA membership on ethical issues. Ninety-two percent (39 agencies) responded to the survey.
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INAHTA Survey on Impact of HTA on Policy

In October 2001, Liz Adams (VATAP, USA) surveyed INAHTA members for examples from around the world of the direct impact of HTA on health policy. The results are intended as a tool for promoting the value of HTA to healthcare decision makers.
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INAHTA Survey on HTA Implementation in INAHTA   

In February 2001, the INAHTA Secretariat conducted a brief e-mail survey of INAHTA agencies (35 organizations) concerning activities toward implementation of HTA results. Eighty-three percent (29 agencies) responded to the survey.

INAHTA Survey on Educational/Training Activities

In September 2000, the Education Committee of ISTAHC requested the Secretariat of INAHTA to survey INAHTA agencies in order to examine current educational/training activities within INAHTA.
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INAHTA Survey on International Collaboration

By Prof. John Gabbay, NCCHTA, United Kingdom. At the June 2000 meeting of INAHTA, international collaboration was a major topic for discussion. We agreed that there were certainly plenty of good reasons for working together across agencies.
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