INAHTA offers two types of membership:
- Full Membership for established agencies
- Candidate Membership for agencies that are new, in the process of being established, and/or are not yet producing HTA reports
View the benefits of being an INAHTA member. A summary of eligibility, membership fees, and the application process is provided below. Please read the INAHTA By-Laws and Membership Regulations for further details about the rights and obligations of membership.
Eligibility for Membership
a) Full Members
Full membership in INAHTA is open to organizations that:
- Assess technology in health care
- Are non-profit organizations
- Have some ongoing, officially recognized role in relation to regional or national government
- Are funded at least 50% by public sources
- Provide free access to publicly-available reports to other INAHTA members upon request
Hospital-based HTA units are welcome to apply if they demonstrate that they satisfy the membership criteria.
b) Candidate Members
Candidate members must satisfy the criteria for Full Membership listed above. In addition, they are to provide justification in a cover letter of why they request for Candidate Membership (e.g., they are new, in the process of being established, and/or are not yet producing HTA reports, or other similar reason).
NOTE: Candidate Membership is intended to be temporary (12 months with possibility to extend another 12 months; 24 months total maximum). See the INAHTA Membership Regulations for details.
Annual Membership Fee
INAHTA provides different levels of membership fees according to the Word Bank LMIC classification. The membership fees are as follows:
High-income countries: 4,500 Canadian Dollars
Upper-middle income countries: 3,350 Canadian Dollars
Lower-middle income countries: 2,200 Canadian Dollars
Lower income countries: 1,100 Canadian Dollars
Candidate members (all countries): 350 Canadian Dollars
Application Process
INAHTA accepts applications at any time of the year. The INAHTA membership year is January 1 to December 31.
Agencies wishing to apply for either Full or Candidate Membership in INAHTA are asked to submit:
- A cover letter from the appropriate authority in the agency seeking membership, acknowledging that they have read and agree to the Bylaws and Membership Regulations and authorize the submission of the application. If the agency is applying for Candidate Membership, the cover letter must also provide a brief justification why they are applying for this type of membership.
- A completed application form: INAHTA_Application_Form
The cover letter and completed application form are to be sent to the INAHTA Secretariat.