• This publications repository contains INAHTA Briefs and Checklists prepared by INAHTA members. This repository is no longer being updated but is provided as an archive reference.  For the latest HTA reports visit the international HTA database.
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2039 Publications Found.
Name Year Issue Agency Type
Immunoglobulins in Transplant Medicine. Prevention and Therapy of Cytomegalovirus Infection 2001 2001/26 ITA, Austria INAHTA Brief
Treating Asthma and COPD - a systematic review 2001 2001/27 SBU, Sweden INAHTA Brief
The Efficiency of Long-term Psychotherapy 2001 2001/28 GR, The Netherlands INAHTA Brief
Diagnostic Ultrasound in Primary Care 2001 2001/29 NOKC, Norway INAHTA Brief
Prenatal Screening: Down Syndrome, Neural Tube Defects, Routine Ultrasonography 2001 2001/30 GR, The Netherlands INAHTA Brief
Intensive Intervention Programs for Children with Autism 2001 2001/31 IHE, Canada INAHTA Brief
Psychosocial Aspects of Ultrasound Examinations During Pregnancy 2001 2001/32 INAHTA Brief
Low-end Scanners 2001 2001/33 CEDIT, France INAHTA Brief
Population Screening for Colorectal Cancer 2001 2001/34 GR, The Netherlands INAHTA Brief
Brachytherapy Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer 2001 2001/35 CEDIT, France INAHTA Brief
Brachytherapy for Prostate Cancer 2001 2001/36 AQuAS, Spain INAHTA Brief
Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Safety of Sacral Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence 2001 2001/37 AQuAS, Spain INAHTA Brief
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2001 2001/38 AQuAS, Spain INAHTA Brief
INAHTA Briefs Compilation Volume 2 2002 2002 INAHTA Briefs compilation
Mild Head Injury - Observation or CT-scanning? 2002 2002/01 SBU, Sweden INAHTA Brief
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Depression 2002 2002/02 NOKC, Norway INAHTA Brief
Ventilation in Operating Theatres 2002 2002/03 NOKC, Norway INAHTA Brief
DNA Chips: Analysis Systems of DNA Sequence Variations 2002 2002/04 CEDIT, France INAHTA Brief
Glycemic Holter 2002 2002/05 CEDIT, France INAHTA Brief
Intracoronary Brachytherapy 2002 2002/06 CEDIT, France INAHTA Brief

2039 Publications Found.